Reducing Options to Improve Decisions
By Sean Silverthorne February 23rd, 2009 @ 1:06 pm
Do your employees have difficulty
breaking past behaviors? Or accepting new ones?
Here’s the problem.
Most of us prefer the process we know rather than the productivity-enhancing one we don’t. We might like it
if we tried it; we just don’t want to try it, thank you very much. And no amount of cajoling, short of firing, is going
to change our minds.
One thing you might try to
help your staff make the right choice is restrict the options for them, writes Peter Bregman on Harvard Business Publishing.
“Sometimes, for people
to be able to make smart choices, they have to experience them first hand. Only then can they bring themselves to choose well.
Otherwise, prejudices get in the way.”
In other words, help people
choose by eliminating choices.
Sink or Swim
Your employees have become
comfortable coming to you for key decisions. You would rather they make decisions as a group. How do you encourage this? Remove
options. Do what a manager actually did in this situation, says Bregman: Go on vacation for three weeks and don’t check
messages while you are away.
“When he eventually
picked up his voicemail he noticed something interesting. The first messages were all asking him what they should do. The
last messages were all telling him what they eventually did do.”
At first blush, Bregman’s
idea seems like a step back towards kindergarten. “If you children can’t figure out what to do, then I’ll
make it easy for you!” On the other hand, resistance to new ideas isn’t just a childhood phenomenon; we’re
all susceptible.
Can you think of examples
when this type of solution has worked for you?
source site: click here