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Welcome! I hope I can help you find what you're looking for! Anytime you see an underlined word in a different color you're being offered an opportunity to learn more than what you came here for. It's important to understand the true meanings of your emotions and feelings as well as many other topics that are within this network. This entire network is set up to help those who want to help themselves find a sense of peace in their lives - discover who resides within and recover from whatever life has dealt you. Clicking on the underlined link words will open a new window so whatever page you began on will remain waiting for you to get back to it!


If you can't find what you're looking for here, scroll down to see an entire menu of what is offered within the emotional feelings network of sites! 



visit the new site: nurture 101!!!!

There's a new site in the network! I am almost finished completing each page, but I can't wait anymore to tell you all about it! Please pay it a visit soon! It's an important topic!


nuture 101


 read my personal blog about living with emotional feelings!




When I first clicked on a link to get to this article I thought the title read something like this...
"Improve your Teen's Decision Making"
As I read through the article when it popped up - I realized that this article was for managers or business owners. But as I read on, I realized having two teens of my own that this concept might work with teaching them to make good decisions! Then I read the part about going on vacation for 3 weeks to see if things would work out and I thought -
"I'm not suggesting that ANY parent tries that part!
kathleen ;)


Reducing Options to Improve Decisions

Do your employees have difficulty breaking past behaviors? Or accepting new ones?

Here’s the problem. Most of us prefer the process we know rather than the productivity-enhancing one we don’t. We might like it if we tried it; we just don’t want to try it, thank you very much. And no amount of cajoling, short of firing, is going to change our minds.

One thing you might try to help your staff make the right choice is restrict the options for them, writes Peter Bregman on Harvard Business Publishing.

Sometimes, for people to be able to make smart choices, they have to experience them first hand. Only then can they bring themselves to choose well. Otherwise, prejudices get in the way.”

In other words, help people choose by eliminating choices.

Sink or Swim

Your employees have become comfortable coming to you for key decisions. You would rather they make decisions as a group. How do you encourage this? Remove options. Do what a manager actually did in this situation, says Bregman: Go on vacation for three weeks and don’t check messages while you are away.

When he eventually picked up his voicemail he noticed something interesting. The first messages were all asking him what they should do. The last messages were all telling him what they eventually did do.”

At first blush, Bregman’s idea seems like a step back towards kindergarten. “If you children can’t figure out what to do, then I’ll make it easy for you!” On the other hand, resistance to new ideas isn’t just a childhood phenomenon; we’re all susceptible.

Can you think of examples when this type of solution has worked for you?

source site: click here

Are You Responsible for Your Children's Wrong Choices
by Francis Hosein

Do you feel as you get older that you are responsible for your children’s wrong choices they make while they are with you growing up?

Is the answer you give a logical or an emotional answer for knowing where the answer comes from can make a difference in you holding feelings of guilt about the rearing of your child?

Are you over protecting your children

Do you fine yourself overprotecting your children but feel most of the time if you do not that they will get hurt, knowing that you could of done something about it and did not.

You maybe holding them back from making mistakes and learning from it because of your own pain that you have not heal from the pass as a child.

Are you confused with your children behavior

You may think that you teach your children a certain way and hope that they will follow with your learning only to see that they are doing things that is against what you thought you have taught them.

You may find yourself confuse by their behaviour because it is going against your way and some of your ways may be right and others may not be right for them if you have not heal your wounds of the pass and brought it into their lives.

Are you over passing your boundaries

When you over pass your boundaries because of your fears or your mix messages that you give to your children you cheat them of becoming the person they are meant to be.

Is fear ruling your decisions?

When fear rules your decision you stop yourself from being the person you can be because your focus is on failure and not on success, you look at the outcome as things going wrong.

When do you stop creating guilt

When do you stop creating guilt with your children for fear that they may do the wrong thing or they may blame you because they get in trouble with the law?

You are not alone for many parents have sleepless nights worrying about their children and their behaviours for when they were with them they were not taught those ways and to see their children grow up and have difficulties and this is difficult for many parents.

Are you congruent

When you are not congruent you are sending mix messages to your children and it is hard for them to know how to deal with you or their choices they make now in life.

You do the best you can most of the time in the interest of your children, yes you make mistakes and sometimes you learn from them and others you carry with you as guilt.

Take the time to have compassion and understanding and know that with what you have learn later in life if you were to do it over you would do better and accept you are on a journey of discovery with your children and forgive yourself for not being perfect at all times to your children.

Conclusion: Do you feel you are you responsible for your children wrong choices is holding you as a prisoner to guilt and is not allow you or your children to heal and move on.

Author's Bio
The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged, and the author's byline remains in place. Francis is the owner of trans-formers.com if you want more information on free relationship advice in your life you can find at
source site: www.selfgrowth.com

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