Types of Group Counseling for Teens
(Examples of group counseling plans already in use.)

Anger Management for Adolescents: A Creative Group Counseling Approach
Carolyn O’Lenic and John F. Arman
In today’s society, adolescents face daily
situations that contribute to them being angry. A multitude
of factors contribute to their anger. Some of these factors
include poverty, divorce, physical or psychological abuse, neglect, and alcoholism (Thompson, Rudolph, & Henderson, 2004).
In fact, most teens encounter several conflict situations each day (Arlett, Elgar, & Groves, 2003). A plethora of research has supported the hypothesis that exposure to violent media is causally related to subsequent expression of aggression, as well (Anderson, Carnagey, & Eubanks, 2003).
To be healthy and safe, adolescents need to be equipped with skills that allow them to cope with anger in a productive manner. Most anger management groups have the potential to help adolescents develop the resources to creatively and effectively manage their anger.
Moreover, investigations into the efficacy of group therapy have demonstrated that it is basically as effective as individual treatment for most problems, including anger (Pollock & Kymissis, 2001). Therefore, working with a group of adolescents will help counselors
reach more young people at once while simultaneously decreasing
the adolescents’ feelings of isolation around the
issue of anger.
In the school setting, students don’t often
receive anger management counseling until after they have
acted their anger out. In community counseling settings
it might be easy for some to underestimate the importance of providing prevention and intervention for anger management because young people being treated
in these settings often have more extreme issues.
In both school and community settings counselors
need to consider the harmful, long-term emotional consequences of untreated anger, which can mask itself as typical adolescent rebellion (O’Connor & Schaefer, 1994). Although not every teen is an angry young man or woman, all teens can benefit from learning healthy anger
management (Golden, 2004).
Less intense aggressive behaviors, such as cursing, rule violations, and disruptiveness, can precede more harmful expressions of anger, such as verbal threats, vandalism, and physical attacks (Hughes, LaGreca, & Conoley, 2001). Helping adolescents learn to control anger can help stop intensely aggressive behavior
before it starts.
Like other emotions, anger is accompanied by physiological and biological changes. When you become angry, your heart rate and blood pressure rise, as do levels of energy, adrenaline, noradrenaline, and hormones
(Peacock, 2000).
The overall goal of anger management intervention programs is to reduce and control the emotional feelings and physiological arousal caused by anger. Although most adolescents can’t eliminate, avoid, or change the things or people that cause their angry feelings, they can learn to control their reactions (American
Psychological Association, 2004).
According to Golden (2004), healthy anger management is taught to adolescents by helping them (1) identify and recognize the negative emotions behind their anger; (2) identify, challenge, and replace unrealistic expectations and conclusions; (3) learn relaxation
skills and stress reduction strategies; and (4) develop
problem-solving skills.

Establishing the Anger Management Group Intervention
A flyer or newsletter that advertises the group can
be posted at the school and/or community treatment center. Advertisements can also be mailed to members’ homes or put on Web sites. Potential group members are identified and referred by counselors, therapists, teachers, administrators, caregivers, and family members.
After potential group members have been identified, they are interviewed to screen for suitability. The counselor should create a screening device that ensures that he or she has members who are appropriate for the group. After screening, parents or guardians should
be contacted to request written consent for their child
to participate.
This is also a good time to address any questions or concerns parents may have about the group. The group should consist of approximately six to seven members who are at the same grade and/or developmental
level. It is wise for the counselor to create a heterogeneous
group in terms of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status,
and sexual orientation. The group will meet for 8 weeks
at a time that is convenient for all involved.
Introductory Session
Session one consists of explaining the focus of the group and the way groups are organized and operate, and outlining what each session will cover. Confidentiality and its limitations are discussed, and group
ground rules are established. The facilitator provides the
group norms, and the ground rules are those provided by
both the counselor and group members.
With the help of the facilitator, the group selects
the group goals. To
be effective, these group goals should meet several criteria.
First, the group members must have an investment in the
goals; second, they must be goals the counselor is willing
to help members achieve; third, the goals must be measurable
(Jones, 1980).
Group members
are to be provided a journal and encouraged to spend 5 to
10 minutes each night tracking their feelings of anger and
writing down their thoughts and feelings about the day.
Journal writings can be shared at group meetings on a voluntary
Finally, members
will participate in a brief icebreaker activity designed
by the counselor to build trust and rapport.

Session 2
During the second group session, members receive a copy of the group ground rules, and they sign a copy that the counselor will keep and post in the group meeting room. Group rules may be added at any time throughout the group with group consensus.
In general, anger is experienced in one or all of
five different areas of life. Anger at others, anger directed at us from others, our anger at ourselves, anger lingering from the past, and abstract anger (Ingram, 2002). All of these areas are addressed by this group intervention.
Group members are asked to identify their own personal anger triggers and complete a questionnaire regarding what causes them to become angry (Phillips & LaHaye, 2002). This invites group members to indicate
what factors influence their feelings of anger.
From this starting point the facilitator can lead
a discussion into what causes them to be angry, who is involved, and what other feelings they are experiencing along with anger. The group can also discuss other names given to anger along with other feelings that can accompany anger like sadness and frustration (Ingram,
Session 3
From the first cave-wall artists to modern-day Sunday landscape painters, normal people in ordinary settings have been using art for therapeutic purposes. On other occasions, art and the creative process can be used as a specific tool to deal with experiences that are difficult to assimilate or verbally express. The creative process can be responsive and therapeutic in providing a
release of tension and a vehicle for self-expression.
In investigating the popularity of various art media,
it was determined that the most popular material was clay,
followed closely by paint (Rubin, 1984). After the third group begins with a check-in, members
create a face mask that depicts a feeling of their choice.
Students are provided air-dry clay and instructions on making
a mask that reflects a feeling or feelings.
This can be a feeling or emotion they frequently encounter, a preferred feeling, how they are feeling today. It can be a happy, sad, angry, or any other kind of face. They sculpt the mask by hand and then use their hands or various implements to design their face.
Session 4
Session four is spent decorating the masks that members created during the previous session. They work with paint, collage cutouts from magazines, yarn, beads, glitter, paint, and various other media. Several sample masks that vary in complexity of decoration and
feeling should be available to provide inspiration and ideas.
Students take turns talking about their mask and the feeling(s) and emotion(s) portrayed in the mask.
Session 5
It is helpful to have members identify behavior that is not productive in response to having feelings of anger. During this session members consider various options and possibilities of how to deal with anger more effectively. Group members are encouraged to identify and discuss negative responses to anger such as passive aggressive behaviors, aggression, and irrational thinking
(Kranz & Dentamaro, 1995; Phillips & LaHaye, 2002).
Group members are encouraged to consider any positive behaviors they have used in the past that allowed them to manage their feelings of anger. These positive coping skills should be discussed and role-played,
if possible.

Session 6
During this session students discuss faulty assumptions and conclusions that can lead to anger. They learn about overgeneralizing, mind reading, labeling, all or nothing thinking, catastrophising. They also discuss the concept of self-talk and the impact it has on how they feel about themselves and how they cope
with anger (Ingram, 2002; Peacock, 2000).
After discussing
new, more positive ways of thinking, they participate in
a story writing exercise using positive thinking strategies
to help manage anger. During the story writing, group members
write about real life situations they have encountered,
or they can be given a scenario to write about.
For example, the
facilitator may provide a beginning sentence such as, “As
I walked into the classroom, the student in front of me
let the door go and it slammed into my nose and people laughed.
As I felt the sting in my nose, I thought_______.”
They write their story and then discuss how they looked
at the situation in a productive manner.
Session 7
Group members receive further information about productive ways to manage anger. Ideas will include recognizing and expressing feelings, being
assertive vs. aggressive, stress reduction and relaxation,
accepting responsibility, learning to listen to others,
avoiding arguments with someone who simply wants to argue
for the sake of arguing, ignoring slights or insults by
others, putting themselves in the other person’s place,
and treating others as they would like to be treated (www.teachers.net,
www. angermanagement.com).
They participate in roleplaying some of the strategies discussed from either real
life situations or exercises designed by the facilitator.
Session 8
The focus of this session is to increase awareness
of stress in the lives of the group members. Members should receive information about the causes and signs of stress, stress reduction, and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, and they participate in a guided visualization to increase relaxation and put them in a state
of rest.
The counselor should create or find handouts containing the information discussed and additional stress reduction resources.
The final group ends in termination of the 8-week
group process. Members are encouraged to discuss anything they learned in the group and how it may help in their daily living. Group members should be informed
that the counselor maintains an open door policy when they
need assistance dealing with their anger.
Learning healthy anger management requires patience, a willingness to try different ways of dealing with anger, commitment, and practice (Golden, 2004). Adolescents who learn to effectively manage their feelings of anger greatly decrease the incidence of self defeating behaviors, increase self-awareness, develop a
healthier self-concept, and increase their ability to build
positive and healthy relationships.
This group is designed to help adolescents become more aware of their
anger and what triggers it while providing them with some
tools to deal with it more effectively. Counselors in any
setting can use this model to help adolescents with anger
problems become healthier young adults.
American Psychological Association. (2004). Controlling
anger before it controls you. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from http://www.apa.org/pubinfo/anger.html
Anderson, C. A., Carnagey, N. L., & Eubanks,
J. (2003). Exposure to violent media: The effects of songs with violent lyrics on aggressive thoughts and feelings. Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(5), 960-971.
Arlett, C., Elgar, F. J., & Groves, R., (2003).
Stress, coping, and behavioral problems among rural and
urban adolescents. Journal
of Adolescence, 26, 574-85.
Golden, B. R. (2004, January). Healthy anger: How
to help your child/teen manage their anger. New Living Magazine.
Retrieved April 13, 2004, from http://www.newliving.com/issues/jan_2004/articles/anger%20for%teen...
Hughes, J. N., LaGreca, A., & Conoley, J. C.
(Eds.). (2001). Handbook
of psychological services for children and adolescents. New York: Oxford University
Ingram, L. (2002). Anger
tool kit. Retrieved April 6, 2004, from http://angermgmt.com/measure.html Jones, V. F. (1980). Adolescents with behavior problems:
Strategies for teaching, counseling, and parent involvement.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Kranz, R., & Dentamaro, C. (1995). Straight talk about anger.
New York: Facts on File.
O’Connor, K. J., & Schaefer, C. E. (1994).
Handbook of
play therapy: Vol. 2. Advances and innovations. New
York: Wiley & Sons.
Peacock, J. (2000). Anger management. Gaining control of
your anger. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Phillips, R., & LaHaye, T. (2002). Anger is a choice. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Pollock, K. M., & Kymissis, M.D. (2001). The
future of adolescent group therapy. An analysis of historical
trends and current momentum. Journal of Child and Adolescent
Group Therapy, 11(1), 5.
Rubin, J. A. (1984). Child art therapy: Understanding and
helping children grow through art (2nd ed.). New York:
Thompson, C., Rudolph, L., & Henderson, D. (2004).
Counseling children (6th ed.). Belmont,
CA: Brooks/ Cole.
source site: click here

Divorce Counseling May Help Prevent Teen Substance Abuse
Most children of divorced parents in the United States (40 percent
of all children) adjust well to their parents' split. But 20 to 25 percent of children have trouble dealing with their parents'
divorce. Many of the problems these children have can last into their adult years. Researchers at the University of Arizona
tried to find out whether post-divorce counseling for children helped prevent some negative outcomes of divorce-conduct problems,
dropping out of school, substance use, high-risk sexual behaviors, and depression-during the teen years.
To find out whether counseling could reduce problems during
the teen years in children of divorce, researchers tested more than 200 9- to 12-year-olds who lived with their mothers after
a divorce. The children and their mothers took part in one of three programs:
- One program for mothers included 11 group sessions and 2 private
sessions. The group sessions addressed improving the mother-child relationship, disciplining, increasing the father's access
to the child, and reducing conflict between the parents.
- Another program consisted of 11 group sessions and 2 private
sessions for the mothers and 11 group sessions for the children. The mothers' group sessions addressed improving the mother-child
relationship, disciplining, increasing the father's access to the child, and reducing conflict between the parents. The children's
group sessions were designed to help the children improve their coping and problem-solving skills.
- The third program was a control group in which participants
received three books on adjusting to divorce, but no private or group counseling.
After 6 years, researchers checked on 218 of the families that
participated to see how the children had fared as teens. Teens who had received counseling as children were far more likely
than those with no counseling to avoid mental health problems that often plague teens whose parents have split up. In fact,
surveys revealed that 23.5 percent of the teens who had no counseling or other help had mental health problems, compared with
11 percent of the teens who had been in the programs. Researchers also found that counseling in childhood reduced marijuana,
alcohol, and other illegal drug use and number of sexual partners during the teen years.
Teens whose mothers had post-divorce counseling also fared better
than teens whose mothers had no counseling. Teens whose mothers took part in the counseling program-even when the teens received
no counseling-had fewer symptoms of mental health problems and lower rates of alcohol, marijuana, and other illegal drug use.
While many youth may not seem to need counseling if they appear
to be dealing well with their parents' divorce, the lasting benefits of counseling for both parents and children make it a
good investment. To learn more about counseling programs in your area, talk to your family doctor.
Wolchik, S.A., I.N. Sandler, R.E. Millsap, B.A.
Plummer, S.M. Greener, E.R. Anderson, S.R. Dawson-McClure, K. Hipke, and R.A. Haine. 2002. Six-year followup of preventive
interventions for children of divorce: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 288.
source site: click here
Art therapy helps abuse victims heal
Artwork details an unfinished healing process
Date published: 5/22/2009
By Flowers Umble
A local artist wakes up most nights, with hands itching to work--to
write, to sketch.
Sometimes she composes poetry. Other times it's prose in a journal.
About every other night, her restless hands draw other hands.
In the beginning, these sketched hands belonged to others. Some
didn't protect her when she needed it. Some abused her for years, starting when she was 8.
But lately, the artist--who remains unnamed to protect her identity
as a sexual assault victim--picks up graphite pencils and draws her own hands.
And in one recent work, titled "Lucky," she drew hands "reaching
out in hope, not asking for help."
The artist entered this piece into "The Art of Surviving" exhibit,
which showcases work by victims of sexual assault. The show includes work from artists around the state.
This piece is among the exhibit's first local work, in addition
to some art by Carol Olson, director of the Rappahannock Area Council Against Sexual Assault.
The show will run through May 30 at the Fredericksburg Athenaeum
on Amelia Street.
The artist hopes her work will inspire other victims of sexual
assault to find healing--and a voice.
"Abuse forced me into silence, and art has let me find my voice
again," she said. "One way or another, you have to break your own silence."
Abused as a child, she bottled up the experience and didn't
seek help. From the outside, most people couldn't see her pain.
She said she did well in school, married, had children and had
a successful career.
But she also had panic attacks, sleeplessness and exhaustion.
She turned to RCASA for help. The agency had just started a
trauma therapy program, offering intensive counseling and art therapy.
"When dealing with trauma, the goal is to move the incident
from the right side of the brain to the left," said Beth Parker, a trauma counselor at RCASA. "The left side works as a file
box, to hold the memory. And the right is where your senses and emotions stay."
Drawing, painting and sketching the memories and emotions of
abuse help transfer the trauma from the right side to the left, Parker said.
The woman wasn't so sure about the neurology initially. But
she loved art, so she gave it a try. At first, she simply found solace in expression.

"It just allowed me this wonderful avenue to open my heart up
a little," she said. "Otherwise, I keep it bricked up and behind walls."
When she began therapy, memories of the abuse consumed her thoughts,
swirling around her head in fragments.
In therapy, she draws each memory in order, with a beginning,
middle and end. She, Parker and art therapy intern Kelly Hartland tack the pictures on a wall, and the artist relives the
"Sometimes, I think, 'This is worse than when I started therapy,'"
she said.
Sleepless nights and severe panic attacks often follow.
Then, after a few days, she puts the story away in a mental
filing cabinet and moves on.
It is a long, slow, often laborious process.
"But this is giving me my first hope, in my whole life, since
the trauma," she said. "It's giving me a hope to realize there is a chance to overcome the trauma."
Amy Flowers Umble:
540/735-1973 Email: aumble@freelancestar.com
source site: click here